Online Enrolment Form

Pupil Enrolment Form

Please type over the top of the text in the fields or choose the appropriate button.

All questions need to be answered. If you find one is not relevant please put N/A

If there are any forms that you are unable to upload then please bring them into school for us to view.

Child Information

Eldest at this school?



Parent / Caregiver Information

Title of Mother/Caregiver 1

Father/Caregiver 2

Father/Caregiver 2 Title

Emergency Contact Information

These need to be different from the two caregivers above.

Early Childhood Education Information

New Entrants to school need to fill this part out

If your child is coming from another school you may skip this section.

Was ECE regularly attended

Frequency of Attendance
Did your child attend an ECE service in the six months prior to starting school?

Please enter the number of hours per week for up to three services (a - f)  or tick the appropriate button (g -J)

Only tick the following if the ECE hours section above is not completed.

Previous School

If your child is transfering from a previous school then you need to fill out this section

Access Issues

Court order issued

Health and Wellness

Has your child had a B4 school check?

Immunisations up-to-date?

I consent to my child's vision and hearing being checked?

Members of our family likely to attend this school in the future


Please see the expanded view in the school handbook for further information.

Please check the boxes to show you have read the statement and agree with it.

Digital Citizenship

I understand that my child will be using some technology as a part of their learning programme. Students are expected to use devices safely and responsibly to support their learning. Misuse may result in students losing the privilege of device use.

Media Release

I give permission for my child's image to be used by the school. Images of our students and examples of their school work may be published in our newsletters, on our school website or on our Facebook page to celebrate student's work and achievements.

Behaviour Management

I will support my child and the school to encourage positive behaviour. Students will follow the school values that guide learning and behaviour. This includes managing their behaviour to avoid swearing, violence, vandalism, verbal, emotional and cyber abuse as well as ongoing non-compliance.

Trip Permission

I give permission for my child to participate in school trips. In the event that the students have not returned their permission forms to school, verbal consent may be gained for students to take part in short, local school trips. Information regarding these trips will be shared well in advance and all trips will be well-planned and student's safety and well-being will be the priority.


Please see the school bus contract for further details

My child has permission to use the school bus service. This service is provided to ensure student safety and promote attendance. Students must follow the school and Ritchies Bus Service rules for safety and conduct. Should student behaviour not meet expectations students may not be permitted to use the bus.

Bible in Schools

My child has permission to take part in our Bible in School's Programme

Dietary Requirements

School lunches are supplied daily by Libelle

My child will require the following meal option

New Entrant ONLY

Arrival and Departures from School

The new entrant teacher will have students wait in the class for collection unless they are traveling home by school bus.  Please let the school know the arrangements for your child's arrival and departure from school.

Privacy Act

I give permission for the school to obtain from previous schools and to forward to an on-going school, or any other relevant agency, information pertinent to my child's enrolment. Contact details may also be passed on to the Ministry of Education and other government ministries.

The above permissions will apply for the time my child attends Manaia View School.  I will notifiy the school of any changes in permission.

I will inform the school immediately should there be any changes in contact details to ensure that the school can always contact me in the event of an emergency.


I have read and accept the privacy statement and parent declaration and permissions on this form.

By typing your name and dating this form below you are in effect legally signing this document.

When you click submit this form will be sent to Manaia View School Office.

You will recieve an acknowedgment of message straight away and then an email from the school with a copy for your reference.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Manaia View Kindergarten Magic Tyres Tania Dunn - Ray White Whangarei
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